Understanding COVID-19 through genome-wide association studies

Authors: Tom H. Karlsen  Nature Genetics volume 54, pages368–369 (2022)Cite this article 8742 Accesses 1 Citations 87 Altmetric Defining the most appropriate phenotypes in genome-wide association studies of COVID-19 is challenging, and two new publications demonstrate how case-control definitions critically determine outcomes and downstream clinical utility of findings. Exploring self-reported data from more than 700,000 participants in a direct-to-consumer ancestry genetics […]

How COVID Could Screw You Worse With Each Reinfection

Authors: David Axe Tue, July 5, 2022 The more times you catch COVID, the sicker you’re likely to get with each reinfection. That’s the worrying conclusion of a new study drawing on data from the U.S. Veterans Administration. Scientists stressed they need more data before they can say for sure whether, and why, COVID might get worse […]

COVID-19 outcomes and the human genome

Authors: Michael F. Murray MD, Eimear E. Kenny PhD, Marylyn D. RitchiePhD, Daniel J. Rader MD, Allen E. Bale MD, Monica A. Giovanni MS, CGC & Noura S. Abul-Husn MD, PhD Genetics in Medicine  volume 22, pages1175–1177 BACKGROUND In the COVID-19 pandemic, the opportunity to link host genomic factors to the highly variable clinical manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection has been widely recognized.1,2 The overt motivation for […]

COVID-19 alters human genes, explaining mystery behind coronavirus ‘long haulers’

Authors: Chris Melore Published APRIL 28, 2021 Study Finds For some COVID-19 patients, getting over their infection is just the beginning of the recovery. Over the last year, COVID “long haulers” have continued experiencing a variety of symptoms months after the virus clears. These include anything from skin problems, to shortness of breath, to losing […]

‘Good, not great’: Some long Covid patients see their symptoms improve, but full recovery is elusive

Authors:  Elizabeth Cooney Feb. 8, 2022 STAT How long does long Covid last? And what does it mean to achieve full recovery? If you ask Joni White, she’ll tell you she just wants to feel like herself again — or something close to it. And she’s almost there. Retired from federal law enforcement, White now describes […]

It Begins: New Zealand Doctors Send Letter Asking Police to Investigate Deaths Following COVID Vaccinations

By Jim Hoft Published July 12, 2022  New Zealand medical professionals have penned an open letter to the authorities requesting that an investigation be conducted into the deaths that have occurred since vaccinations for Covid were administered. An unredacted version of the letter from the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) is being prepared […]

Even mild Covid is linked to brain damage, scans show

The new British research is the first to reveal striking differences in areas of the brain based on scans taken before and after a coronavirus infection. Authors: Benjamin Ryan Posted July 2022, From NBX News During at least the first few months following a coronavirus infection, even mild cases of Covid-19 are associated with subtle tissue damage […]

Delta reinfection risk low among unvaccinated children

But scientists warn that the findings do not mean that children should not be vaccinated against COVID-19. Authors: Heidi Ledford July 4, 2022 NATURE Children and adolescents who had not been vaccinated against COVID-19 mounted a long-lasting immune response to infection with the Delta variant of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, according to a large study of Israeli […]

*Peer Reviewed* Study Finds YOUNG Moderna Jab Recipients Have a Jaw-Dropping 44X HIGHER Risk of Developing Myocarditis Than the Unvaccinated

Authors: Julian Conradson Published July 2, 2022 A peer-reviewed study from researchers in France has concluded that both the experimental Pfizer and Moderna vaccines significantly increase the risk of myocarditis compared to the unvaccinated. While both mRNA therapies were found to be linked to the life-threatening heart condition, the Moderna jabs results were particularly shocking, especially among young adults, as […]