Nonintegrating Direct Conversion Using mRNA into Hepatocyte-Like Cells

Authors:: angtae Yoon, 1 , 2 Kyojin Kang, 1 , 2 Young-duck Cho, 3 Yohan Kim, 1 , 2 Elina Maria Buisson, 1 , 2 Ji-Hye Yim, 1 , 2 Seung Bum Lee, 4 Ki-Young Ryu, 5 Jaemin Jeong, 1 , 2 and Dongho Choi 1 , 2 Biomed Res Int. 2018; 2018: 8240567.Published online 2018 Sep 20.doi:  10.1155/2018/8240567 PMCID: PMC6171260PMID: 30327781 Abstract Recently, several researchers have reported that direct reprogramming techniques can be used to differentiate fibroblasts into hepatocyte-like cells without a pluripotent […]