Mini-Strokes, Gut Problems: Scientists See Links to an Old Bout of Covid

Feeling ill? The cause might be years old By Sumathi Reddy July 2, 2024 5:30 am WSJ Scientists suspect that one culprit behind your new illness might be the infection you…[...]

High cholesterol, overweight and reduced physical stamina are long COVID sequelae in young adults

Authors: University of Zurich Summary: 6, 2022:Science Daily As the Covid-19 pandemic evolves, the issue of post-infection consequences is growing in significance. Does Long Covid impact previously healthy young adults?…[...]

COVID-19 Autopsies Put Endothelial Damage, Angiogenesis in the Spotlight

Authors: L.A. McKeown NEWSDaily News COVID-19 Autopsies Put Endothelial Damage, Angiogenesis in the Spotlight The still-forming picture suggests significantly more new-vessel growth in the lung than would be expected from…[...]

The Thorny Problem Of COVID-19 Vaccines And Spike Proteins

Authors: W. Glen Pyle Almost since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a piece of the SARS-CoV2 virus called the “spike protein” has drawn interest from researchers and healthcare professionals.…[...]