Cutaneous vasculitis and vasculopathy in the era of COVID-19 pandemic

Carlo Alberto Maronese1,2Enrico Zelin3Gianluca Avallone4, et. al. Cutaneous vasculitides encompass a heterogeneous group of clinicopathological entities, which may occur as single-organ vasculitis of the skin or present as skin-limited variant…[...]

Common skin signs of COVID-19 in adults: An update

Samantha Polly, MD and Anthony P. Fernandez, MD, PhD, Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 89 (3) 161-167; DOI: ABSTRACT Cutaneous findings can be clues to diagnosis and infection severity in viral illnesses, including COVID-19. The authors provide an update…[...]

Common skin signs of COVID-19 in adults: An update

Samantha Polly, MD and Anthony P. Fernandez, MD, PhD Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 2022, 89 (3) 161-167; DOI:, ABSTRACT Cutaneous findings can be clues to diagnosis and infection severity in viral illnesses, including COVID-19. The authors provide an…[...]

Three years on, COVID-19 and the skin: long-term impacts, emerging trends and clinical practice 

Esther E Freeman, Ignacio Garcia-Doval, Luigi Naldi, Roderick J Hay British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 189, Issue 1, July 2023, Pages 1–, In early 2020 there were reports of a new and potentially fatal…[...]

Management of urticaria in COVID-19 patients: A systematic review

Authors: Eyad Abuelgasim,Ann Christine Modaragamage Dona,Rajan Singh Sondh,Amer Harky First published: 28 September 2020 Abstract The global pandemic COVID-19 has resulted in significant global morbidity, mortality and increased healthcare demands.…[...]