Complement Anaphylatoxins and Inflammatory Cytokines as Prognostic Markers for COVID-19 Severity and In-Hospital Mortality

Authors: Bandar Alosaimi1,2, Ayman Mubarak3, Maaweya E. Hamed3, Abdullah Z. Almutairi4, Ahmed A. Alrashed5, Abdullah AlJuryyan6, Mushira Enani7,Faris Q. Alenzi8 and Wael Alturaiki9* COVID-19 severity due to innate immunity dysregulation accounts for prolonged hospitalization, critical complications, and mortality. Severe SARS-CoV-2 infections involve the complement pathway activation for cytokine storm development. Nevertheless, the role of complement in COVID-19 immunopathology, complement‐modulating treatment strategies against COVID-19, […]

The complement system in COVID-19: friend and foe?

Authors: Anuja Java,1 Anthony J. Apicelli,2 M. Kathryn Liszewski,3 Ariella Coler-Reilly,3 John P. Atkinson,3 Alfred H.J. Kim,3 and Hrishikesh S. Kulkarni4 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in a global pandemic and a disruptive health crisis. COVID-19–related morbidity and mortality have been attributed to an exaggerated immune response. The role of complement […]

Complement control for COVID-19

Authors: Markus Bosmann1,2,3,4,* The complement system is an integral part of innate immune defense. It consists of about 50 proteins in plasma, on cell surfaces, and inside host cells. The traditional view is that complement proteins guard the local extracellular spaces and systemic bloodstream against invading pathogens. Loss-of-function mutations resulting in terminal complement pathway deficiencies […]