What to know about shingles and the COVID-19 vaccine

Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, M.D., MPH — By Carolyn Farnsworth Medical News Today Some studies suggest a link between COVID-19 vaccines and reactivation of the virus that causes shingles. While evidence suggests this could be possible, it is at the very least uncommon. Shingles is a fairly common condition that may affect roughly 20–30% of people in their lifetime, with the risk of […]

What to know about shingles and the COVID-19 vaccine

Authors:  Alana Biggers, M.D., MPH —  Carolyn Farnsworth on January 24, 2022 Medical News Today Shingles is an uncomfortable common condition that causes a characteristic rash, among other symptoms. Some studies suggest a link between COVID-19 vaccines and reactivation of the virus that causes shingles. While evidence suggests this could be possible, it is at the very least […]