Extending Paxlovid Not Effective Against Long COVID

Friday, 07 June 2024 Newsmax Health An extended course of the antiviral drug Paxlovid won’t ease a person’s long COVID symptoms, a new study finds. People who took Paxlovid for 15 days — three times as long as it’s prescribed for an initial COVID infection — had no better improvement in their long COVID than people taking a placebo, […]

Masks Found To Be Ineffective After First Omicron Wave: New Study

MAY 30, 2024 – Authored by Megan Redshaw, J.D. via The Epoch Times  At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were a recommended public health measure to prevent transmission of the virus. Yet new research suggests masks were ineffective at reducing the risk of infection when Omicron became the dominant variant. In a study published in […]

Child Mask Mandates Have No Clear Benefits And Cause Harm, BMJ Review Finds

DEC 09, 2023 – Authored by Guy Gin A new systematic review has been published in Archives of Disease in Childhood, one of the journals of the British Medical Journal, by Sandlund et al. titled ‘Child mask mandates for COVID-19: a systematic ‘. Since no randomised controlled trials have even been conducted on child mask-wearing or mask mandates, the […]

Major Oxford-Backed Study Reveals Strict Covid Lockdowns NO MORE EFFECTIVE Than Sweden’s Open-Economy Approach During Pandemic

By Jim Hᴏft Nov. 20, 2023 Gateway Pundit A major study backed by Oxford University has suggested that strict COVID lockdowns were no more effective at reducing infections than the Swedish-style softer approach, which allowed more personal freedom and recommended rather than mandated behaviors aimed at reducing the transmission of the virus. This conclusion challenges the tyrannical […]

The Unexpected Battle Between Vaccines And The COVID Virus

NOV 08, 2023 – Authored by Yuhong Dong The Epoch Times  Since the unprecedented COVID-19 global pandemic that started in January 2020, humans have been in a constant battle with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A series of vaccine versions have been developed and administered globally, beginning in January 2021 when an mRNA vaccine based on the […]

Effect of Higher-Dose Ivermectin for 6 Days vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients With COVID-19A Randomized Clinical Trial

Susanna Naggie, MD, MHS1,2; David R. Boulware, MD, MPH3; Christopher J. Lindsell, PhD4; et alThomas G. Stewart, PhD5; Alex J. Slandzicki, MD6; Stephen, C. Lim,  MD Jonathan Cohen, MD8;  David Kavtaradze, MD9,  Arch Amon, MD10, et. al for the Accelerating Covid-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV)-6 Study Group and Investigators. JAMA. 2023;329(11):888-897. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.1650 Question  Does ivermectin, with a maximum targeted dose of 600 μg/kg daily for 6 days, compared with placebo, shorten symptom duration among adult (≥30 years) outpatients with symptomatic […]

Simvastatin in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19

November 2, 2023, NEJM Abstract BACKGROUND The efficacy of simvastatin in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is unclear. METHODS In an ongoing international, multifactorial, adaptive platform, randomized, controlled trial, we evaluated simvastatin (80 mg daily) as compared with no statin (control) in critically ill patients with Covid-19 who were not receiving statins […]

A Startling Compilation: ‘Neither Safe Nor Effective’

BY TYLER DURDEN AUG 25, 2023 Authored by Linda Weigenfeld via The Epoch Times  A section of Dr. Colleen Huber’s introduction to her very important book, “Neither Safe Nor Effective 2nd Edition: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines,” is worth quoting before looking at the book as a whole: “Dr. Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist, called […]

A third of adults believe COVID-19 vaccines caused thousands of sudden deaths: poll

BY JOSEPH CHOI – 08/22/23 5:00 AM ET Belief in misinformation about key health issues persists among a good chunk of adults, with false claims about COVID-19, vaccines and reproductive health garnering a substantial amount of support, a poll released Tuesday by KFF has found. Whether or not they believed the claims, nearly all participants in the […]

Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccines — A Cautionary Tale .

List of authors. Paul A. Offit, M.Dt of authors. Paul A. Offit, M.D New England Journal of Medicine January 23, 2023 in Wuhan, China. Two months later, the original strain of SARS-CoV-2, called the Wuhan-1 or ancestral strain, was isolated and sequenced. It was now possible to make a vaccine. All the vaccines, including the […]