Risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination or positive SARS-CoV-2 test in young people in England

Vahé Nafilyan, Charlotte R. Bermingham, Isobel L. Ward, Jasper Morgan, Francesco Zaccardi, Kamlesh Khunti, Julie Stanborough, Amitava Banerjee & James C. Doidge Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 1541 (2023) Cite this article. Abstract Several studies have reported associations between COVID-19 vaccination and risk of cardiac diseases, especially in young people; the impact on mortality, however, remains unclear. We use national, linked electronic health data in England to assess the […]

COVID-19 Vaccines Affect Menstruation Reveals New Study

Authors: Acen Winnie August 8, 2022 Clinical studies on multiple COVID-19 vaccines have disregarded effects of vaccines on women’s menstruation. There were countless complaints to doctors about related symptoms soon after immunizations were made available to the general population. Many women became aware of heavier-than-normal periods. The authors of a recent survey on the subject that was published in […]