Severe COVID-19 may be linked to long-haul symptoms

Byline: May 22, 2024 By Nardy Baeza Bickel Michigan NewsTopics: People who experience very severe COVID-19 illness have a higher prevalence of persistent symptoms, according to a new University of Michigan study. The findings highlight the urgent need to characterize and treat long-haulers — people who continue to experience lingering symptoms months after their initial […]

COVID Long-Haulers May Experience Abnormal Breathing Patterns, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Findings are consistent with long-haul symptoms following the 2005 SARS epidemic Sam Roth,, WASHINGTON Many long-haul COVID-19 patients have chronic fatigue syndrome and other breathing issues months after their initial COVID-19 diagnosis, according to study in JACC: Heart Failure, which is the first of its kind to identify a correlation between long-haul COVID-19 and chronic […]