How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes

Authors: By Meredith Wadman, Jennifer Couzin-Frankel, Jocelyn Kaiser, Catherine MatacicApr. 17, 2020 , 6:45 PM On rounds in a 20-bed intensive care unit one recent day, physician Joshua Denson assessed two patients with seizures, many with respiratory failure and others whose kidneys were on a dangerous downhill slide. Days earlier, his rounds had been interrupted as his team tried, […]

Skin rash should be considered as a fourth key sign of COVID-19

May 22, 2021 Data from the COVID Symptom Study shows that characteristic skin rashes and ‘COVID fingers and toes’ should be considered as key diagnostic signs of the disease, and can occur in the absence of any other symptoms.  The COVID Symptom Study, led by researchers from King’s College London and health science company ZOE, asks participants to log their […]

Covid-19 Vaccine Analysis: The most common adverse events reported so far

Authors: DATED: AUGUST 6, 2021 BY SHARYL ATTKISSON  As of July 19, 2021 there were 419,513 adverse event reports associated with Covid-19 vaccination in the U.S., with a total of 1,814,326 symptoms reported. That’s according to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. Report an adverse event after vaccination online here. Each symptom reported does […]