Vaccine Makers “Deceptive” Booster Campaign

Wall Street Journal January 23, 2023 Wall Street Journal editorial board member Allysia Finley has taken a flamethrower to vaccine makers over their “deceptive” campaign for bivalent Covid boosters, and slams several federal agencies for taking “the unprecedented step of ordering vaccine makers to produce them and recommending them without data supporting their safety or […]

Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccines — A Cautionary Tale .

List of authors. Paul A. Offit, M.Dt of authors. Paul A. Offit, M.D New England Journal of Medicine January 23, 2023 in Wuhan, China. Two months later, the original strain of SARS-CoV-2, called the Wuhan-1 or ancestral strain, was isolated and sequenced. It was now possible to make a vaccine. All the vaccines, including the […]

Vaccine Controversy Unintended Consequence?

Highly developed nations requiring the most neonatal vaccine doses tend to have the worst mortality rates in children under age 5, according to a peer-reviewed study published July 20 in Cureus. Researchers Neil Miller, director of the Institute of Medical and Scientific Inquiry in New Mexico, and Gary Goldman, who has a doctorate in computer science, performed several […]

COVID-19 Vaccine/Gene Therapy Controversies

Since the introduction of the government sponsored warp speed development of mRNA injections for the prevention of COVID-19 illnesses in 2020, there has been little scrutiny of the efficacy and safety of these jabs. The medical profession seems disinterested in these subjects. However, there is a growing body of evidence that the mRNA injections do […]

An Approach to Treating Long COVID

August 8, 2023 Due to the marked overlap between long COVID and post-vaccine syndrome, please refer to the I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment protocol for detailed treatment strategies. This page highlights the differences between these two syndromes, namely ongoing organizing pneumonia. About Long COVID Long COVID, also known as Long Haul COVID Syndrome (LHCS) and more recently […]

Renowned MIT Professor and Drug Safety Analytics Specialist Calls for Immediate Suspension of all mRNA COVID Vaccines

Authors: Jim Hoft Published January 30, 2023  The number of health professionals and experts calling for the immediate suspension of COVID mRNA vaccines is growing, and yet governments still turn a blind eye to one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity. Late Sunday night, Prof. Retsef Levi from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) […]

Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccines — A Cautionary Tale.

List of authors. Paul A. Offit, M.D New England Journal of Medicine January 23, 2023 in Wuhan, China. Two months later, the original strain of SARS-CoV-2, called the Wuhan-1 or ancestral strain, was isolated and sequenced. It was now possible to make a vaccine. All the vaccines, including the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer–BioNTech and […]

CDC Finally Releases VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses For COVID Vaccines

Authors: Authored by Professor Josh Guetzkow via Jackanapes Junction  January 9, 2023 INTRODUCTION Finally! Zachary Stieber at the Epoch Times managed to get the CDC to release the results of its VAERS safety signal monitoring for COVID-19 vaccines, and they paint a very alarming picture (see his reporting and the data files here, or if that is behind […]

Non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccination, and the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant in England: a mathematical modelling study

Lancet. 2021 Nov 13; 398(10313): 1825–1835.  doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02276-5 PMCID: PMC855091 Authors: Raphael Sonabend, PhD,a,† Lilith K Whittles, PhD,a,b,c,† Natsuko Imai, PhD,a,† Pablo N Perez-Guzman, MD,a,† Edward S Knock, PhD,a,b,† Thomas Rawson, DPhil,a Katy A M Gaythorpe, PhD,a Bimandra A Djaafara, MRes,a Wes Hinsley, PhD,a Richard G FitzJohn, PhD,a John A Lees, PhD,a Divya Thekke Kanapram, PhD,a Erik M Volz, PhD,a Azra C Ghani, Prof, PhD,a Neil M Ferguson, Prof, DPhil,a,b,** Marc Baguelin, PhD,a,b,d and Anne […]

Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?

The virus appears to be evolving in ways that evade immunity. A recent article published in the Wall Street Journal suggested that the Covid outbreak heavily affected most vaccinated people. More and more research points to the possibility that repeated vaccinations make people more vulnerable to XBB and contribute to the rapid evolution of the virus. It […]