Long covid—an update for primary care

BMJ 2022; 378 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2022-072117 (Published 22 September 2022)Cite this as: BMJ 2022;378:e072117 Trisha Greenhalgh, Manoj Sivan, Brendan Delaney, Rachael Evans, Ruairidh Milne, What you need to know This article updates and extends a previous BMJ Practice Pointer published in August 2020 when almost no peer reviewed research or evidence based guidance on the condition was available.1 In this update we outline how clinicians might […]

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce A Major Beneficial Bacteria, Gut Biodiversity: Research

OCT 28, 2023 – Authored by Marina Zhang, The Epoch Times Opinion Piece Please Read–Bifidobacteria explained. Research has shown that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reduce bacteria belonging to the Bifidobacteria genus, a common and beneficial gut bacteria. COVID vaccination is also linked to reduced gut biodiversity. Works by gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan, the CEO of ProgenaBiome, a […]

SARS-CoV-2 replication in airway epithelia requires motile cilia and microvillar reprogramming

Authors: Chien-Ting Wu , Peter V. Lidsky , Yinghong Xiao , Carlos Milla, Raul Andino, Peter K. Jackson  December 01, 2022DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.11.030 Highlights Summary How SARS-CoV-2 penetrates the airway barrier of mucus and periciliary mucins to infect nasal epithelium remains unclear. Using primary nasal epithelial organoid cultures, we found that the virus attaches to motile cilia via the ACE2 […]

Study Deems Popular COVID Treatment ‘Ineffective,’ Sometimes ‘Harmful’

The often debated treatment did not improve outcomes in critically ill patients Published 10/27/23, Hannah Murphy, The Messenger High doses of intravenous vitamin C are no more effective than a placebo when it comes to treating patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 infections, a new study shows. Published in JAMA, the study compared treatment regimens and their resultant […]

How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators

By Angelo DePalma, Ph.D. The Defender According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization. Pfizer-BioNTech delayed reporting vaccine-associated deaths among BNT162b2 clinical trial participants […]

FDA Should Recall ‘Adulterated’ Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine: Robert Malone

OCT 27, 2023 – 08:20 PM, Authored by Zachary Stieber The Epoch Times Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is adulterated due to the undisclosed presence of a DNA sequence, experts say. That should prompt a recall by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), according to Dr. Robert Malone, a vaccine expert whose work has been cited by Pfizer. […]

Orthostatic tachycardia after covid-19

BMJ 2023; 380 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2022-073488 (Published 24 February 2023)Cite this as: BMJ 2023;380:e073488, Ana B Espinosa-Gonzalez, Harsha Master, Nicholas Gall, Natalie Rogers, Trisha Greenhalgh What you need to know Patients with long covid—defined by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as signs and symptoms that persist for more than four weeks (and especially more than 12 weeks) following acute […]

Antiviral Drug May Shorten COVID-19-Induced Loss Of Taste And Smell

OCT 26, 2023 by Mary Gillis via The Epoch Times  New data suggest scientists have discovered a medication first designed to treat COVID-19 may also lessen the time it takes for two common symptoms of the disease: loss of taste and smell—to disappear. The oral antiviral drug ensitrelvir (brand name Xocova) was granted a Fast Track designation by the […]

COVID Vaccine Could Increase Stroke Risk in Some When Taken With Certain Flu Shots

Doctors still recommend Americans receive both shots Published 10/26/23 12:45 PM Mansur Shaheen The Messenger People over the age of 85 that receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as certain types of flu shots are at an increased risk of stroke, according to a new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) study. The findings, published in pre-print this […]

Why don’t most children get severely sick from COVID? Nose and immune response offer clues

By David Olson, October 23, 2023 10:50 Newsday Young children rarely get severely ill from COVID-19 because their immune systems seem to block the coronavirus from spreading beyond the nose, a new study suggests, and experts say kids’ response to the virus could help develop a more effective vaccine for people of all ages. Scientists long […]