Immunoglobulin signature predicts risk of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome

Authors: Carlo Cervia, Yves Zurbuchen, Patrick Taeschler, Tala Ballouz, Dominik Menges, Sara Hasler,  Sarah Adamo, Miro E. Raeber, Esther Bächli, Alain Rudiger, Melina Stüssi-Helbling, Lars C. Huber,  Jakob Nilsson, Ulrike Held, Milo A. Puhan & Onur Boyman  Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 446 (2022)  Abstract Following acute infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) a significant proportion of individuals develop prolonged symptoms, a serious condition termed post-acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) […]

Multiple Early Factors Anticipate Post-Acute COVID-19 Sequelae

Authors: Yapeng Su 28, Dan Yuan 28, Daniel G. Chen 28,Mark M. Davis, Jason D. Goldman, James R. Heath 29 Highlights Longitudinal multiomics associate PASC with autoantibodies, viremia and comorbidities Reactivation of latent viruses during initial infection may contribute to PASC Subclinical autoantibodies negatively correlate with anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies Gastrointestinal PASC uniquely present with post-acute expansion of cytotoxic T cells […]

Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?

Authors: Ronald N.Kostoffa DanielaCalinab DarjaKanducc Michael B.Briggsd Panayiotis Vlachoyiannopoulose Andrey A.Svistunovf AristidisTsatsakisg Highlights • Bulk of COVID-19 per capita deaths occur in elderly with high comorbidities. •Per capita COVID-19 deaths are negligible in children. •Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short-term. •Clinical trials did not address long-term effects most relevant to children. •High post-inoculation deaths reported […]

Speech Therapist: 364% Surge In Baby And Toddler Referrals Thanks To Mask Wearing

A speech therapist says that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers. Authors: by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, SUNDAY, JAN 30, 2022 – 03:50 PM Jaclyn Theek told WPBF News that before the pandemic, only 5 per cent of patients were babies and […]

Close relatives of MERS-CoV in bats use ACE2 as their functional receptors

Authors: Qing Xiong,  View ORCID , , ei Cao,  Chengbao Ma,  Chen Liu, Junyu Si,  Peng Liu,  Mengxue Gu,  Chunli Wang, Lulu Shi, Fei Tong, Meiling Huang, Jing Li, Chufeng Zhao,  Chao Shen,   Yu Chen,   Huabin Zhao,  Ke Lan,  Xiangxi Wang,  Huan Yan Summary Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and several bat coronaviruses employ Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) as their functional receptors1–4. However, the receptor for NeoCoV, the closest MERS-CoV relative yet discovered in bats, remains enigmatic5. In this study, we unexpectedly found that […]

Necessity of COVID-19 Vaccination in Persons Who Have Already Had COVID-19

Authors: Nabin K Shrestha, Patrick C Burke, Amy S Nowacki, Paul Terpeluk, Steven M Gordon Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciac022, The purpose of this study was to evaluate the necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in persons with prior COVID-19.Methods Employees of Cleveland Clinic working in Ohio on Dec 16, 2020, the day COVID-19 vaccination was started, were included. Anyone who tested […]

New York Times Admits Unvaxxed People Have ‘Lower Rates of Infection And Hospitalization’ Of COVID-19 Than The Vaxxed.

Authors: Natalie Winters A January 19th update posted to the outlet’s COVID-19 live blog explains how unvaccinated individuals who previously contracted the virus “had lower rates of infection and hospitalization than those protected by vaccines alone”: During the week beginning May 30, 2021, vaccinated people who had not experienced Covid had the lowest risk of coronavirus infection […]

Endothelial thrombomodulin downregulation caused by hypoxia contributes to severe infiltration and coagulopathy in COVID-19 patient lungs

Authors: Taejoon Won, Megan K. Wood, David M. Hughes, Monica V. Talor, Zexu Ma Jowaly Schneider, et al. Published:January 12, 2022DOI: Background Thromboembolism is a life-threatening manifestation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We investigated a dysfunctional phenotype of vascular endothelial cells in the lungs during COVID-19. Methods We obtained the lung specimens from the patients […]

Elevated Expression of Serum Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecules in COVID-19 Patients

Authos: Ming Tong,1Yu Jiang,2Da Xia,3Ying Xiong,3Qing Zheng,4Fang Chen,2Lianhong Zou,2Wen Xiao,2 and Yimin Zhu2 J Infect Dis. 2020 Sep 15; 222(6): 894–898.Published online 2020 Jun 24. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa349 PMCID: PMC7337874PMID: 32582936 Abstract In a retrospective study of 39 COVID-19 patients and 32 control participants in China, we collected clinical data and examined the expression of endothelial cell adhesion molecules by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. […]