COVID-19 Presenting With Intractable Hiccups: A Literature Review and a New Case

Mohammed Aloqaily • Alaa Tarazi • Abdullah Ammar •, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.78701  Abstract Hiccups manifest as involuntary and repetitive diaphragm contractions, often involving the intercostal muscles. However, the precise underlying mechanism remains incompletely understood but typically benign.…[...]

COVID-19 and Intractable Hiccups: An Apparently Harmless Yet Misleading Manifestation

Asma Albtoosh • Nizar S. Alkhlaifat • Ahmad Aldurgham • et. al. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.65966  Abstract COVID-19 infection typically presents with various symptoms encompassing fever, cough, and shortness of breath, with occasional reports of less common manifestations such…[...]