Viral Persistence and Serotonin Reduction Can Cause Long COVID Symptoms, Penn Medicine Research Finds

Components of the SARS-CoV-2 virus remain in the gut of some long COVID patients, causing persistent inflammation, vagus nerve dysfunction, and neurological symptoms PHILADELPHIA—Patients with long COVID – the long-term symptoms like…[...]

Stony Brook study: Long COVID risk increases with multiple infections, vaccination status in 9/11 essential workers

By Lisa L., Newsday People who have had multiple bouts of COVID-19, had it severely, and those who were unvaccinated when first infected had an increased risk of developing long COVID,…[...]

Cognitive decline and brainstem hypometabolism in long-COVID

COVID: A case series: Jacques Hugon, Mathieu Queneau, et. al. Center of Cognitive Neurology, University of Paris, Lariboisière FW Hospital Abstract Objective: To assess FDG cerebral PET in patients suffering…[...]

5 things we know and still don’t know about COVID, 5 years after it appeared

By  LAURAN NEERGAARD, LAURA UNGAR and MIKE STOBBE, A.P. Five years ago, a cluster of people in Wuhan, China, fell sick with a virus never before seen in the world. The germ didn’t have…[...]

Taste loss as a distinct symptom of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

Mackenzie E Hannum, Riley J Koch, Vicente A Ramirez, Sarah S Marks, et. al., Chemical Senses, Volume 48, 2023, bjad043, Abstract Chemosensory scientists have been skeptical that reports of COVID-19 taste loss are…[...]

Vascular Consequences: A Case Report on Posterior Circulation Infarction as a Sequela of COVID-19

Anil M. Philip • Lina J. George • Shubhashis Saha • Sethu Sadanandan, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.65837  Abstract This case report presents a posterior circulation infarction in a previously healthy 39-year-old male, three months post-severe COVID-19. He presented with…[...]

COVID-19 and Intractable Hiccups: An Apparently Harmless Yet Misleading Manifestation

Asma Albtoosh • Nizar S. Alkhlaifat • Ahmad Aldurgham • et. al. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.65966  Abstract COVID-19 infection typically presents with various symptoms encompassing fever, cough, and shortness of breath, with occasional reports of less common manifestations such…[...]

Musculoskeletal Manifestations of COVID-19: Currently Described Clinical Symptoms and Multimodality Imaging Findings

Imran M. Omar , Jennifer S. Weaver, Jonathan D. Samet, et. al. Abstract COVID-19, the clinical syndrome produced by infection with SARS-CoV-2, can result in multisystem organ dysfunction, including respiratory failure and hypercoagulability,…[...]

Does nerve damage contribute to long COVID symptoms?

Almost all post-COVID neuropathy linked to a potentially treatable immune dysfunction MGH News and Public Affairs A new study suggests that some patients with long COVID have lasting nerve damage…[...]