Experts Agree: Turbo Cancers are Caused by the Toxic mRNA COVID-19 Jabs

620% Increased Risk of Myocarditis: Another Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Destruction Caused by mRNA COVID-19 Jabs

Yet another recent peer-reviewed study has been published, amplifying the incredible dangers of the experimental mRNA COVID jabs. We recently reported on a groundbreaking new study proving that the public response—including lockdowns, the mandated deadly jabs, drastic medical interventions, and so on—to COVID-19 caused more deaths than COVID-19 itself. And now, a study of 9.2 million South Koreans published in Nature Communications exposes an unprecedented increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after receiving the gene-damaging mRNA jabs. Specifically, the study reveals a 620 percent increased risk of myocarditis and a 175 percent higher risk of pericarditis after the shots. But it doesn’t end there. Researchers also discovered an increased risk of neurological disorders—including Alzheimer’s—and increased risks of numerous autoimmune conditions, especially after booster shots.

Will the Big Pharma-funded mainstream media report on these studies, and will our tax-payer-funded healthcare agencies warn us of these well-documented dangers? Of course not. Nevertheless, they are eye-opening and should, without hesitation, lead to a halt in the administration of these deadly, experimental, and contaminated shots that are not “vaccines.”

The nationwide study followed roughly 4.5 million individuals for an average of 15 months after COVID-19 “vaccination.” As reported by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), Brian Hooker, the organization’s chief scientific officer, noted that despite the study authors minimizing the most alarming data discovered in the analysis (myocarditis and pericarditis), its results nonetheless remain “very robust.” Hooker added that in addition to this latest study, several other studies exist that also expose the relationship between autoimmune disorders, including systemic lupus, and the untested and forced mRNA jabs.

The South Korean study, one of the largest of its kind, revealed a 62 percent increased risk for the rare neurological condition known as Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), in which the immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system. Patients diagnosed with GBS following COVID-19 vaccination have had their lives forever changed. The disease attacks and destroys the nervous system, leaving patients with intense and debilitating bouts of pain. Those who received the jab had a 62 percent greater chance of contracting GBS, which is unacceptable.

As broken down by CHD, to conduct the study, researchers analyzed data from 9,258,803 random individuals (approximately 20 percent of South Korea’s total population) who had been given at least one dose of an mRNA COVID-19 shot—a group they called the primary cohort. Then, they randomly split this number into two subgroups—a vaccination cohort of 4,445,000 participants and a historical control cohort of 4,444,932 participants.

The study notes that because COVID-19 vaccination was conducted nationwide in South Korea, as of October 2022, the overall vaccination coverage rate among adults meeting the requirements for the primary series of each COVID-19 vaccine introduced in South Korea was 96.6 percent. With this high number, the study authors remarked that using unvaccinated individuals as controls for comparison could have led to unacceptable cohort selection and potential selection bias. Thus, they used historical controls as comparators.

The researchers explained that they studied the health history of the historical control cohorts from two years before the individuals’ first dose of mRNA vaccination (up to December 31, 2020, just before the vaccine rollout) through December 31, 2022. The two cohort groups—over 9 million individuals—were followed up from the respective study index date to disease diagnosis, emigration, death, or the end of the study period.

The results of this extensive study include a crucial finding of a high risk of myocarditis in women. Shocked to see the study showed that females were nearly twice as likely to develop myocarditis as males, senior researcher at CHD Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., remarked that considering the severe risk increase of myocarditis following the mRNA jabs found in the study, it was “stunning” that neither the paper’s title nor abstract mentioned it. Unfortunately, he explained that the significant omission was likely due to “the changing scope of censorship in science.”

The extensive list of autoimmune diseases associated with mRNA COVID-19 jabs revealed in the study includes a 16 percent increased chance of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE—the most common lupus type) and a 58 percent higher risk of bullous pemphigoid (BP—large, fluid-filled blisters). Interestingly, the risk of women developing BP following vaccination was significantly higher than men—167 percent for women compared to 2 percent for men.

The study also disclosed that booster shots were associated with increased risks of several autoimmune connective tissue diseases (AI-CTDs). While not as high as the risks for myocarditis and pericarditis, the study revealed a 12 percent increased risk for alopecia areata (patchy hair loss), a 16 percent increase for psoriasis (scaly, inflamed skin), and a 14 percent increase for rheumatoid arthritis.

We’ve been repeatedly warned that the next, more damaging, pandemic is coming. Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic opened the door to mRNA technology, conveniently mass-introduced with those in charge intentionally blind to the path of death and destruction as a direct result. Thus, it is inevitable that new, untested mRNA concoctions that can deliver even more significant harm are in the works. Essentially, the mass experiment continues. Yet, despite the millions who have died or forever had their lives changed thanks to the mRNA COVID-19 jabs, rest assured they will be touted as necessary and safe.

With that in mind, the reaction from both Hooker and Jablonowski to the study is spot on and worth repeating because censorship surrounding pandemics appears to be inevitable and will only get worse. Jablonowski found it “stunning” that neither the paper’s title nor abstract mentioned the extreme risk increase in myocarditis. Hooker told CHD he found it odd that increased risks for these “control” sequelae were treated in passing, remarking:

“It’s like, ‘Oh, everyone knows that these vaccines cause myocarditis,  pericarditis and GBS … ho hum. If you have that adverse event, oh well, too bad for you.’”

Indeed, “ho hum … too bad for you” is the heartless sentiment extended to those injured from the jabs. It is unacceptable.

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