Role of proteolytic enzymes in the COVID-19 infection and promising therapeutic approaches

Authors: Magda Gioia,a,⁎ Chiara Ciaccio,a,⁎ Paolo Calligari,b Giovanna De Simone,c Diego Sbardella,d Grazia Tundo,dGiovanni Francesco Fasciglione,a Alessandra Di Masi,cD onato Di Pierro,a Alessio Bocedi,b Paolo Ascenzi,c,e and Massimo Colettaa,⁎ Biochem Pharmacol. 2020 Dec; 182: 114225.Published online 2020 Sep  doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.114225PMCID: PMC7501082PMID: 32956643 Abstract In the Fall of 2019 a sudden and dramatic outbreak of a pulmonary disease (Coronavirus Disease COVID-19), due […]

‘Natural Immunity Is Really Better’: New Israeli Study Fuels Debate On Vaccination Versus Natural Immunity

Authors: DYLAN HOUSMAN HEALTHCARE REPORTER August 28, 20215:12 PM ET A new study of the power of COVID-19 natural immunity versus the protection provided by vaccines is igniting further debate among scientists on how to assess risk from the virus. The observational study of more than 700,000 Israelis, which hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed, compared three groups: those […]

New COVID variant detected in South Africa, most mutated variant so far

The C.1.2 variant first detected in South Africa is more mutated compared to the original virus than any other known variant. Authors: By TZVI JOFFRE   AUGUST 29, 2021 14:47 A new coronavirus variant, C.1.2, has been detected in South Africa and a number of other countries, with concerns that it could be more infectious and evade vaccines, according […]

Japan probes two deaths after jabs from tainted Moderna batch

Sat, August 28, 2021, 6:10 AM Japan is investigating the death of two men who received jabs from batches of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine suspended from use due to contamination, the health ministry said Saturday. The men aged 30 and 38 died earlier this month after getting their second Moderna doses from one of three manufacturing […]

New Israeli Study Finds Fully Vaccinated People are at “Greater Risk of Hospitalization” and 13 TIMES MORE LIKELY to Catch Covid-19 Than Those Who Have Recovered and Have Natural Immunity

Authors: By Julian Conradson Published August 27, 2021 at 2:06pm A new study out of Israel has seemingly confirmed that individuals who have natural immunity have better protection against the NEW DELTA VARIANT than people who are fully vaccinated. The team of researchers, from Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University, published their study earlier this week […]

Long COVID’s daunting toll seen in study of pandemic’s earliest patients

Authors: Melissa Healy   6 hrs ago COVID-19 patients in Wuhan were among the pandemic’s first victims, and a comprehensive new study finds that a year after shaking the coronavirus, survivors were more likely than their uninfected peers to suffer from mobility problems, pain or discomfort, anxiety and depression. A detailed accounting of 1,276 people hospitalized for COVID-19 […]

Denmark To Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions

Authors: BY TYLER DURDENFRIDAY, AUG 27, 2021 – 01:34 PM Denmark will on September 10th stop classifying Covid-19 as an “illness which is a critical threat to society”, meaning all remaining special pandemic restrictions will expire, The Local reported. In a press release issued on Friday morning, the country’s health minister Magnus Heunicke said that the high level of […]

“Inescapable” COVID-19 Antibody Discovery – Neutralizes All Known SARS-CoV-2 Strains

Authors: By LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY AUGUST 26, 2021 An antibody therapy that appears to neutralize all known SARS-CoV-2 strains, and other coronaviruses, was developed with a little help from structural biologist Jay Nix. Lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines are allowing us to feel optimistic again, after more than a year of anxiety and tragedy. But vaccines are only one side of the […]

Nearly 3 in 5 people worldwide have suffered sleep problems during COVID pandemic

Authors: by Study Finds South West News Service writer William Janes contributed to this report TEMPE, Ariz. — Find yourself struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep more often during the pandemic? You’re far from alone. In fact, sleeping issues are burdening people around the world, with more than nearly six out of 10 people across […]

Model predicts 100,000 more COVID deaths unless U.S. changes its ways

AUGUST 27, 2021 / 7:50 AM / AP The U.S. is projected to see nearly 100,000 more COVID-19 deaths between now and December 1, according to the nation’s most closely watched forecasting model. But health experts say that toll could be cut in half if nearly everyone wore a mask in public spaces. In other words, what the […]