A review of nail findings associated with COVID‐19 infection

E Hadeler 1,✉, BW Morrison 1, A Tosti, PMCID: PMC8447455  PMID: 34131957 Conflicts of interest Dr. Tosti acts as a consultant for DS Laboratories, Monat Global, Almirall, Tirthy Madison, Eli Lilly, Leo Pharmaceuticals, Bristol Myers Squibb…[...]

Nails and COVID‐19 – A comprehensive review of clinical findings and treatment

Uwe Wollina 1,✉, Jean Kanitakis 2, Robert Baran 3, PMCID: PMC8420555  PMID: 34398500 Abstract The SARS‐CoV‐2 infection, responsible for COVID‐19, has raised the interest for infection‐associated muco‐cutaneous symptoms. While dermatologic symptoms in general gained an increasing awareness,…[...]

COVID-19 virus could attack cancer cells and shrink tumors, new study suggests

The early-stage research focused only on animal models, but scientists say it ‘offers hope’  By Melissa Rudy Fox News COVID-19 can cause a long list of health issues, including flu symptoms, respiratory problems…[...]

Navigating the Diagnostic Maze: A Case of Post-COVID-19 Tenosynovitis

Kasture Puspalingam • Malarkodi Suppamutharwyam, Navigating the Diagnostic Maze: A Case of Post-COVID-19 Tenosynovitis. Cureus 16(11): e73849. doi:10.7759/cureus.73849 Abstract Post-COVID-19 sequelae can include various complications, including musculoskeletal manifestations. Unvaccinated against COVID-19, a…[...]

Patterns Among Uropathogenic Bacteria Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hadi B. AlHemsi • Ibraheem Altamimi • Abdulaziz Altamimi •, et. Shifting Trends of Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns Among Uropathogenic Bacteria Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus 16(11): e73267. doi:10.7759/cureus.73267 Abstract Urinary tract infections (UTIs)…[...]

COVID-19 targets human adrenal glands

Waldemar Kanczkowskia ∙ Katja Everte ∙ Marlena Stadtmüllerb ∙ et. al. COVID-19 develops due to infection with SARS-CoV-2, which particularly in elderly with certain comorbidities (eg, metabolic syndrome)1 can cause severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Some patients with…[...]

Factors Influencing Depressive Symptoms in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Period

Hitomi Hirokawa-Ueda • Yuki Sawamura • Reiko Taketani , et. al., 2024DOI: 10.7759/cureus.72394 Abstract Background Mental health issues associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have been widely reported, with various influencing factors identified. However, factors affecting mental…[...]

CD56+ Monocytes and CD31+ Endothelial Cells Are Increased in Severe COVID-19 Disease 

Abstract Immune response dysregulation plays a key role in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pathogenesis. In this study, we evaluated immune and endothelial blood cell profiles of patients…[...]

New-Onset Graves’ Disease Induced by COVID-19: A Case Report and Literature Review

Takashi Shinzato • Tadahiro YonahaDOI: 10.7759/cureus.73122  Abstract We present a case of new-onset Graves' disease in a 40-year-old woman following COVID-19 infection. The patient experienced hand tremors, palpitations, shortness of breath with minimal…[...]

Timing of Dexamethasone Initiation and Its Impact on the Outcome of COVID-19 Patients

Jamila Alonazi • Najla Alrasheed • Saad Aljabr •et. al., DOI: 10.7759/cureus.72983  Abstract Introduction COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan in December 2019 and was declared a pandemic in March 2020. Severe cases manifest with respiratory distress. Corticosteroids,…[...]