OBGYN explains why a COVID vaccine might affect menstrual cycles

Authors: Kate Larsen

SAN FRANCISCO — Anecdotal evidence from women around the country has led to questions about how COVID-19 vaccines may affect women’s menstrual cycles.

When ABC7 News reporter, Kate Larsen, posted the question on social media, it became clear that a lot of women are experiencing cycle changes, and are wondering if it’s related to the vaccine.

Women wrote:

“I had my 1st COVID-19 vaccine in January followed by the 2nd in February, and since then I have had hemorrhagic bleeding with clots. This month of April was the heaviest.”

“I thought I was going crazy, and even went as far as making a doctor’s appt and switching out my BC because mine is so heavy now and its been a month straight”

“I received the Moderna vaccine in January and February I didn’t get my period for 3 months they did multiple blood test, pregnancy test and ultrasounds but everything came back normal. Then finally on April 4 I got my period and it’s been super heavy for the past 22 days non-stop.”

And some women are reporting other changes: “My period has been the lightest in years for the past 2 cycles. Was beginning to wonder if I was pushed into pre-menopause. Also my PMS symptoms haven’t been as bad from what I can tell.”

For More Information: https://abc7ny.com/menstrual-cycles-and-covid-vaccine-side-effects-women-coronavirus-period/10552668/

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