Anti-maskers hurl abuse, threats after Tennessee school board reinstates mandate

Authors: By Yaron Steinbuch

Wild video captured a group of irate people in Tennessee hurling threats at health care professionals and school board members after a mask mandate was reinstated — with one man threatening, “We know who you are! You can leave freely, but we will find you!”

The chaos erupted Tuesday night in Franklin, just south of Nashville, where the Williamson County Board of Education approved the mask requirement for elementary schools as protesters gathered outside, according to News Channel 5.

During the heated debate before the measure was passed, a parent who identified himself as former Marine Daniel Jordan told the board, “Actions have consequences. If you vote for this, we will come for you, in a non-violent way,” CNN reported.

He added: “In the past, you dealt with sheep, now prepare yourself to deal with lions.”

Dr. Jennifer King, a parent and physician, told the board, “As a pediatric ICU physician, we are seeing more younger previously healthy children admitted with respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome than we have in prior strains, as cases in children are on the rise.

“This trend will only worsen if we don’t act now,” she said during the raucous meeting, where attendees cheered, clapped and booed. Police escorted some disruptive people out of the room, footage shared on Twitter shows.

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