“He’s A Pathological Liar”: Cornell Chemistry Professor Dave Collum Unloads On Dr. Fauci And Covid Hysteria

Collum is the Betty R. Miller Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University and holds a PhD, Columbia University, MS, Columbia University, MA, Columbia University and BS, Cornell University. The duo of Collum and podcast host Chris Irons first talked about Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy […]

Amid soaring infections, mask and vaccine debates continue

COVID prevention practices were a subject of debate among tourists and locals alike this past week in the French Quarter, where compliance with the new mask mandate appeared spotty at times. Visitors outside a voodoo-themed shop on Bourbon Street dutifully masked up Tuesday as they entered. And masks were being worn in T-shirt and souvenir […]

Hawaii, Masked and Vaccinated, Still Falls Prey to Delta Strain

(Bloomberg) — Hawaii has one of the country’s most comprehensive mask mandates and a highly effective vaccine campaign. Despite that, Covid-19 cases on the islands are climbing with a ferocity that’s outstripping every other U.S. state. On Thursday, Hawaii recorded 655 new cases, a record since the beginning of the pandemic. Test-positivity rates surged to […]

Swedish Professor Says 5 Shots Of COVID Vaccine May Be Necessary

While many people have bragged about being “fully vaccinated” after taking two COVID-19 jabs, a Swedish professor says that as many as five shots may be needed to combat falling immunity. “We don’t know how long the vaccine protects against serious illness and death,” said Karolinska Institute Professor Matti Sällberg. “This means that you pick the […]

The Astonishing Hubris Of A Global Experimental Vaccine

The Covid vaccines are experimental. The FDA has not approved them. Most vaccines require years to test and approve, in no small part because we want to make sure they don’t have dangerous long-term side effects, which they can have; the CDC has published a list of problems with selected approved vaccines. Many experimental vaccines never make it out of […]

Even With Breakthrough Cases, The Data Doesn’t Seem To Support Mask Mandates For Vaccinated People

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new mask guidance is based on newfound data suggesting vaccinated individuals can spread COVID-19, despite that data appearing to show that the vaccines still reduce infectiousness of the disease by some amount. When the CDC changed its mask guidance in late July to suggest that vaccinated people once again […]

COVID Cases In US Top 100,000 Per Day For First Time Since February

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that COVID-19 cases in the U.S. have topped an average of greater than 100,000 per day for the first time since February. The daily case rate has not exceeded the levels of summer 2020 when vaccines were not available, however, the seven-day average of hospital admissions […]

CDC Director Tells CNN the COVID Vaccines Can’t Prevent Transmission

CDC Director and liberal mouthpiece Dr.Rochelle Walensky told Wolf Blitzer on Friday that the COVID vaccine cannot prevent the transmission of the disease. Dr. Rochelle Walensky: Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta in regard to severe illness and death being prevented. But what they can’t do anymore is prevent […]

Complement Anaphylatoxins and Inflammatory Cytokines as Prognostic Markers for COVID-19 Severity and In-Hospital Mortality

Authors: Bandar Alosaimi1,2, Ayman Mubarak3, Maaweya E. Hamed3, Abdullah Z. Almutairi4, Ahmed A. Alrashed5, Abdullah AlJuryyan6, Mushira Enani7,Faris Q. Alenzi8 and Wael Alturaiki9* COVID-19 severity due to innate immunity dysregulation accounts for prolonged hospitalization, critical complications, and mortality. Severe SARS-CoV-2 infections involve the complement pathway activation for cytokine storm development. Nevertheless, the role of complement in COVID-19 immunopathology, complement‐modulating treatment strategies against COVID-19, […]