Even With Breakthrough Cases, The Data Doesn’t Seem To Support Mask Mandates For Vaccinated People

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new mask guidance is based on newfound data suggesting vaccinated individuals can spread COVID-19, despite that data appearing to show that the vaccines still reduce infectiousness of the disease by some amount.

When the CDC changed its mask guidance in late July to suggest that vaccinated people once again put on face masks in certain indoor settings, it eventually cited data from Provincetown, Massachusetts, alongside other studies which found vaccination doesn’t totally stop transmission of the virus. Absent from most corporate media reporting and some government messaging is that, according to the available data, breakthrough cases are still exceptionally rare and vaccinated people still don’t transmit the virus nearly as much as the unvaccinated.

For More Information: https://dailycaller.com/2021/08/05/covid-coronavirus-breakthrough-delta-mask-mandate/

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