90% Of Patients Treated With Experimental Israeli COVID Drug Discharged Within 5 Days


Finally, it looks like the world might be on the verge of obtaining a therapeutic drug that’s actually effective at helping patients infected with COVID. But you probably won’t hear anything about this latest breakthrough from the American media, which covered the race for a vaccine with breathless enthusiasm.

According to a report in the Jerusalem Post, some 93% of 90 seriously ill coronavirus patients treated in several Greek hospitals with a new drug developed by a team at Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center were discharged in five days or fewer during the Phase II trial of the new therapeutic.

The Phase II trial confirmed the results of Phase I, which was conducted in Israel last winter. That trial found that 29 out of 30 patients in moderate to serious condition recover within days, while no cases of serious side effects have yet been detected.

For More Information: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/90-patients-treated-experimental-israeli-covid-drug-discharged-within-5-days

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