How Likely Are Vaccinated People To Get Meaningfully Sick From Delta?


The reality that breakthrough cases exist and being vaccinated doesn’t guarantee protection from COVID-19 has raised a new question in the minds of many Americans: just how likely is it that someone will get seriously ill from the delta variant of COVID-19 if they are vaccinated?

Some clinical data suggests that vaccine efficacy may be slightly lower against the delta variant than previous iterations of the virus, but the overall numbers are still promising. A July study by Public Health England found that the Pfizer vaccine is still 88% effective at preventing symptomatic disease from the delta variant, only about 6% lower than against the alpha variant. A Canadian study found the Moderna jab to be 72% effective against Delta after just one dose, but more data is needed to determine how much more protection the second dose provides. The Moderna shots have shown to be around 93% effective after six months without accounting for the Delta variant.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 6,915 hospitalizations related to COVID-19 in vaccinated people as of Aug. 2, but the answer to how risky COVID-19 is for the vaccinated isn’t as simple as a single stat. Anecdotal accounts and a deep dive into the data indicates that a wide variety of experiences are possible when vaccinated and infected.

The CDC doesn’t track or publicly release nationwide breakthrough case data. For that reason, it’s impossible to know exactly how frequent breakthrough cases are, how many of them are asymptomatic or how many result in just mild symptoms. It’s also less likely that asymptomatic or mildly sick individuals will think to get tested for COVID-19, especially if they are vaccinated.

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